Saturday, November 6, 2021

Climate Activists are wonderful but they are not enough to change the coming outcome for earth

(At least not yet). So, until everyone takes all this more serious we are in for it regarding increasing mass deaths from climate change and mass casualties also caused by pandemics as well worldwide.

Richer Countries seem to be doing better (but only because they have more resources) whereas poorer countries governments might all eventually collapse as the people blame governments not rich enough to save their lives.

So, mass migrations worldwide likely will become more and more common as local governments collapse and are replaced by Gangs. At that point people leave so they aren't victims of those gangs by moving away in  mass migrations to elsewhere. We are already seeing this a lot in Central America and other locations one by one around the world as they migrate north towards the U.S. and Canada. And in places like the Middle East and Africa they migrate towards Europe where the standard of living is higher and might save their lives from death and starvation.

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