Tuesday, November 2, 2021

Graph of Covid Transmission presently in the U.S.

 I'm looking at this graph on CNN and it doesn't look good at all. There are several gradients with levels of transmission first is RED

Red means High Transmission

Orange means Substantial Transmission

Yellow means Moderate Transmission

Creme Color means low Transmission

First of all only in maybe very southern Texas and Florida where it is still warm enough to eat and do things outside easily are there ANY Creme colored counties at all here in the U.S.

And most of the orange colored places are also in Southern Texas, Louisiana, Florida and Georgia and places like Los Angeles and Santa Barbara counties and San Francisco and SF Bay area counties and very little other places.

So, where is all the Red?

Everywhere else I didn't mention in the entire Lower 48 states and Alaska. Hawaii is difficult for me to see what color exactly it is on this graph because of it's size. But, the big island might be orange too or mostly orange.

This is from CNN on Tuesday Election Day in Virginia by the way November 2nd 2021.

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