Saturday, November 13, 2021

I have Watched Anti-Vaxxers get even more entrenched against Vaccination over time regarding Covid Vaccinations

 If people are affluent enough with this point of view sometimes it serves them. But, the more tenuous their economic experience is the more devastating it can be.

My Father and mother were anti-Vaxxers and because of this I almost died of Whooping Cough around 1950. Then when I grew up my son was born and he too got whooping cough because he wasn't vaccinated either. At this point I vowed to myself that if I had more children they would at the very least get the shot that stops whooping cough. So, when each of my two daughters were born I made sure they got the shot. Though neither my son nor I died there are consequences from getting whooping cough. 

I guess what I'm saying is people need to be free to not get shots. However, this freedom might come with a price when they not only get covid themselves, they also give it to their friends and family and some might die.

So, the freedom to not get vaccinated might also be the freedom to die along with some or all of their whole families and friends sometime too. 

I couldn't live with this outcome so I'm glad I got my Pfizer shots in April and my booster shot recently.

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