Saturday, November 13, 2021

I sort of liked the way this was written because it conveys a lot of information and gives people hope about avoiding human extinction here on earth

This was written in 2009

begin partial quote from:

 However, if one wants to see intuitive genius one looks to a Saint figure in Arcane(Saint Germain), one of the 200,000 native human souls of earth. But Arcane was actually born about 1 million years into the future on a future colony of Earth humans of today. Though they have interbred with other humanoids that left earth to colonize other planets in the last several million years, he saves his planet from destruction but then because he became too powerful as a saint of his people was asked to leave so his people wouldn't be afraid of him. However, he joins the Galactic Time Guard and is sent to Earth as a Galactic Anthropologist of Earth. In the process of being a Time Traveling Galactic Anthropologist he is taught by Eridian the lead Elder of Light Beings of Earth 1 million years in the future to become Saint Germain. So Arcane and Earth Soul born to the planet New Deva returns as a Time Traveler to become Saint Germain to save the souls of Earth from Extinction by Nuclear Weapons, Global Climate Change or anything else. In this way he keeps Earth's ecology intact for future humans to incarnate here to evolve as souls the way souls do.

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