Saturday, November 13, 2021

The Alien War: Chapter 26: Healing the Time Lines that Tech Noir Created


Saturday, November 13, 2021

The Alien War: Chapter 26: Healing the Time Lines that Tech Noir Created


The Alien War: Chapter  26: Healing the Time Lines that Tech Noir Created 

  • The Alien War: Chapter 26: Healing the Time Lines ...
  • The Alien War: Chapter 25: The Previous Galactic S...
  • The Alien War: Chapter 24: Flame and Jonathan Flow...

  • So, now we know that Tech Noir is actually the Previous Galactic Sentience's son and the present Galactic Sentience's brother. This changes everything because we are dealing with souls on a soul level and one of the things you need to know is royalty whether on earth on Galactic Royalty, is always preserved and never usually executed as in ending the Creator soul. 
  • This is true for many different reasons. But, we have similar types of things in 
  • Edward VIII of England Abdicating the Throne to marry a divorced Commoner in the 1930s which eventually resulted in Queen Elizabeth II of England who is now Queen of England today. So, both Queen Elizabeth I (mother of Francis Bacon but this was kept secret of course) and Queen Elizabeth II are likely the longest Reigning English Monarchs in history along with Queen Victoria during the Victorian Era of England.
  • And somewhat like today Prince Harry left England for Santa Barbara California, not only because it has probably one of the best climates on earth but also for his wife and children to be happier and more likely to prosper and survive in life. So, Royalty is different than the lives of average people everywhere. This is to be expected.
  • The same is true with Tech Noir. He may have done some very bad things. However, from a Galactic perspective Souls are immortal and everything else isn't that is mortal.
  • So, preserving souls is what is most important because mortal beings are all going to die eventually. So, this is exactly how the galactic government sees all this.
  • But, to make the most sense of this, how do ranchers think about farm animals as well as local wild rabbits and deer and bear? This is sort of how Galactic Royalty thinks of anything mortal on any world.
  • So, the primary directive is to protect Creator souls because they are your relatives or visiting friends from other Galaxy and in this sense they are likely also relatives from other galaxies too.
  • So, this is where we begin in this Chapter I call "Healing Time----".

  • Green Delta 7 moved quickly and undid the stasis of the moon Ganymede in the Solar System. Though some people realized they had been in stasis for awhile she sent an electric shock through their minds to try to force them to forget what happened. Purple and she had decided on this outcome.
  • King Plebant was beside himself being a genius himself and said, "What just happened? What just happened?"
  • Green Delta 7 said, "Well. I think we were hit by some sort of anomaly or electrical disturbance, Your Highness."
  • King Plebant: "Well. I didn't like it at all."
  • And pretty much that was the end of it. Because she had fried most memories of the Stasis in even a genius like Plebant. So, she was quite proud of the job She and Purple had done in keeping the Marauders alive and relatively sane. (not that marauders could actually be considered fully sane just good survivors in bad situations instead). IF you thought of them sort of like the ancient Viking warrior clans this might be more useful to you in this.
  • Green Smiled at her and Purple's good work on the marauders.
  • Back 67 million years with the previous Galactic Sentience:
  • Tech Noir was summoned to come before his father the King.
  • This didn't happen very often so Tech Noir was kind of scared and disturbed by all of this. He had just found out his older brother was being made the next Galactic Sentience and his young ego was having a problem with all of this because it wasn't him being made Galactic Sentience!
  • So, he came into court with an attitude towards his Dad like a distraught teenager.
  • The previous Galactic Sentience said, "Hello son. How are you today?"
  • Tech Noir: "I'm still pissed off at you for making my brother the Next Galactic Sentience. What's wrong with you, Dad? I'm far more talented than he is! You are an old fool!"
  • The Previous Galactic Sentience said, "I have some folks I would like you to meet, son. They just traveled back 67 million years just to meet you and me!"
  • Tech Noir was immediately on guard. He said, "Why would they do that?"
  • Previous Galactic Sentience: "They thought we would be wonderful to meet."
  • "Son. I would like you to meet future incarnations of myself after I retire. Here is old old Arcane, Old Arcane and Young Arcane and his wife."
  • Tech Noir looked at them suspiciously and said, "Are you really from 67 million years into the future?"
  • They nodded.
  • Tech Noir: So, my Dad doesn't really die but lives on as you?"
  • They nodded again but Tech Noir seemed relieved and started to cry with big baby tears streaming down his face. He ran over to his Dad and put his arms around him and said, "So, I'm not going to lose you, after all then?"
  • Previous Galactic Sentience: "NO. I will still come visit you in all these forms and more."
  • Tech Noir: "I thought I was going to have a nervous breakdown with the thought of losing you!" And he sobbed realizing his Dad wasn't going to abandon him. He couldn't live with his Dad gone because his Dad was his Center and his Dad was his Guru and spiritual Teacher and without him, Tech Noir had realized he might have to commit suicide.
  • Previous Galactic Sentience: "I have more pieces of me here for you to meet."
  • Tech Noir was interested: "Tell me father. I want to know everything."
  • Previous Galactic Sentience: " This is Moksha and his consort Purple" 
  • Tech Noir said, "I have never seen someone like Purple before. What is she? She looks human and I can tell she has lived millions of years. Is she an immortal or some kind of humanoid?"
  • Previous Galactic Sentience: "She and Green Delta 7 here are both Created Sentients."
  • Tech Noir suddenly was suspicious and said, "Why do Purple Delta 7 and Green Delta 7 have clear flames of immortals and why are they both wearing military uniforms?"
  • Previous Galactic Sentience: "That's to warn off mortals from attacking them. If mortals attacked them they would be dead. These are both ultimate warriors and would and could defeat any mortal in the galaxy. So, the uniforms are to warn mortals that they will die if they threaten or attack them."
  • Tech Noir: "It's kind of you to warn mortals that their death would be immediate if they attacked you."
  • Purple and Green (the immortal two) nodded in disbelief of who this Tech Noir was.
  • What was really strange is that though the Previous Galactic Sentience appeared as God in the Sistine Chapel, Tech Noir chose to be the naked Adam in the Sistine Chapel the way he appeared. So, he had some access to either his father's mind or Arcane's mind in doing this.
  • It made everyone in the room uncomfortable in that they weren't sure how this was coming about.
  • They all realized about then that this was going to be much harder than any of them had thought about before.
  • Of Course the Previous Galactic Sentience realized all this it was just the incarnations of his and others present saw the difficulties at hand up close and personal.
  • At this point the Immortal Green Delta 7 said, "I would like to give you a toga or a robe. Would you wear it for me if I gave you one?"
  • Tech Noir: "Oh. You are right! It isn't appropriate in your cultures to be unclothed is it. I'm sorry!"
  • Green Delta 7: "Also, I would like to give you a gift as I might stay here and be friends with you."
  • Tech Noir looked at her suspiciously and said, "You can take on any form you want to can't you?"
  • Green Delta 7: "Yes. within some limits I can."
  • Tech Noir: "And you don't need to eat food or breathe air either, do you?"
  • GreenDelta 7: "Yes. That's correct. I only need to recharge my batteries periodically. But if there is sunlight or sometimes even lighting I can recharge partially that way too."
  • Tech Noir: "Great! Then you can stay and be my friend!" Tech Noir was beaming at this point because he was often lonely in his life. To have a friend to play with would be great!
  • After all in reality he would be like a 13 to 15 year old in his culture at this point even though we would consider him to be thousands of years old. When you live forever basically youth lasts a whole lot longer.
  • So, here we see the psychological problem of Tech Noir who obviously was a dependent personality and losing his father at a difficult time for him to retirement (which has a different meaning to Creator souls than to human beings).
  • To Tech Noir, his Father retiring was like he was going to die because he wouldn't be like who he had already been for billions of years already.
  • Is it the Previous Galactic Sentience's fault to have had this son so late in life? Maybe. But, often people don't realize how close to the end they are until it happens. This is also true of Retiring Creators often.

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