Thursday, November 4, 2021


If Maldek the planet wasn't nuked into the asteroid Belt 65 million years ago and if a piece of this asteroid belt (one of the asteroids) didn't hit earth and kill all the bigger dinosaurs that didn't escape into the sea to survive then:

Then the Dinosaur evolutions instead of the little horses and dogs and stuff like that wouldn't have survived and the Reptilians would have possibly evolved here on earth.

So, if there are one or more timelines that evolved dinosaurs live on here on earth (the last 65 million years or so) this then could mean that something like the Raptors with little hands could have eventually evolved into something resembling Reptilian human beings somewhat on those timelines because humanoids would have stayed on Maldek and Mars and might be there still instead of here on earth on those timelines.

This is my latest theory about what might be going on on timelines where Maldek didn't get nuked and become the asteroid belt and where asteroids also destroyed the atmosphere on Mars to where any survivors not rich enough to leave the Solar system to return to where humanoids came from before coming to the solar system had to colonize Earth 65 million years ago to survive at all. 

Where did all these ideas come from?

Well. It started when a 200 IQ Catholic Priest told me about articles he read in either Pravda or Isvestia in the 1970s which stated that a Soviet Probe discovered that the Asteroid belt had once been a planet that was nuked and there was evidence of the nuking the Soviet Probe found.

This information was suppressed by the Catholic Church and all other religions because it didn't agree with their holy books. But, was not suppressed  within the Soviet Union then because they were atheistic at the time.

So, this became among the intelligentsia of Russia one of the main reasons for the collapse of the Soviet Union because they didn't want Earth to become another Maldek.

Note: The Catholic Priest passed away in the early 2000s. However, he spoke and wrote 20 languages one of which was Russian. And He used to be District Attorney for Santa Cruz County here in California before he became a Jesuit Priest. 

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