Tuesday, November 9, 2021

I'm much less trusting regarding what either Democrats or Republicans say now

 There are two things that have brought me to this point.

The first is this:

When I first got my two Pfizer shots (the last one in April), I was very confident that I was doing the right thing by getting vaccinated. After all, I'm in my 70s now and this seemed like a very good idea.

However, then 6 months later I got my Pfizer booster and I was okay at first, just had normal spaciness and pain in the arm where the shot was put in. But, 3 to 4 days into this I had some really difficult symptoms like dizziness and nausea for at least 2 days and then I didn't really feel right for about at least 2 weeks.

So, this gave me some pause for thought.

The next thing that I realized yesterday is that weather is being seriously altered by at least China and Russia and possibly the U.S. and Europe through Global Dimming of solar rays coming to earth.

But, this likely has been going on secretly since at least 2000 when the drought throughout the western States has occurred. So, I realized that  Stratospheric Aerosol injection has been used at least since 2000 by China and other countries (possibly including the U.S. secretly (which has resulted in a 20 year drought here in the western U.S. However, it has had some beneficial effects east of the Rockies and in Europe and in Asia as the prevailing winds move eastward from China to the U.S. to Europe etc.

And Stratospheric Aerosol injection over the oceans and the arctic has been the means for this to happen. Since there are many less Americans west of the Rockies than to the east of the Rockies this has been allowed to happen. Who did this? Likely China, Russia and possibly the U.S. secretly.

It's one reason that China and Russia didn't go to climate change meetings in Italy and Scotland by the way.

  • Stratospheric aerosol injection

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