Thursday, November 4, 2021

Imagine living in a world where Death doesn't exist:

 This is the world that Creators who create Galaxies live in. This is also what are souls that inhabit people on earth are actually these Creator souls who create and maintain galaxies as a source of energy which is their food as it changes forms from energy to matter to anti-matter and on and on as energy and matter change forms down through time (even though time ONLY exists in matter realms) but not in anti-matter or other energy forms.

This is why scientists on earth are having trouble isolating "Dark" or Unknown matter from regular matter because time and space do not exist in "Dark' or "Unknown" matter at all.

You would need completely different laws of physics in order to isolate "Dark" or "Unknown" matter which only exist in non-matter forms of the universe. The non-matter forms consist of 96% of the known universe and Galaxies are only about 4% of the known universe.

When Death doesn't exist retired Creator souls might get bored after living billions of years and so they have to "Invent" death by taking incarnation as human beings here on earth. So, what we call our souls are actually an immortal species that creates and maintains Galaxies and without them no galaxies would actually exist at all. Mortality gives meaning to a never ending existence as Creators of Galaxies.

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