Saturday, November 13, 2021

It's important to be comfortable in your own skin

 What does this mean? To me, it means I have created the world I can live in. In a sense we are all born victims of our circumstances. Then in our 20s if we are smart and have opportunities we create a world we can stand to live in. If we don't do this we are either miserable the rest of our lives or we kill ourselves.

I think because death was near to me growing up and I was suicidal a lot from ages 21 to 25 that I used this desperation to create a good life for myself and my children in my 30s. In my 20s I tried but was less successful then because I didn't understand myself and the world that much yet.

But, by age 32 I had figured out myself and the world completely in many ways and I have been maturing into this "Feeling comfortable in my own skin" ever since.

I think if people cannot find a way to be comfortable in their own skin that they won't be alive very long. 

This is my thought now at 73.

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