Tuesday, November 2, 2021

Saint Germain is Arcane

 Arcane is an interesting name because it's very meaning is "Secret, Mysterious and understood by Few"

I found also when Studying with Tibetan Lamas that much is kept secret for the same reason that how nuclear weapons are built is kept secret. Most people would die if they fully understood most of these things because they don't have the proper level of compassion for themselves or others to fully take in all this without either dying or causing the deaths of all of those around them.

So, Saint Germain is another one who severely tests his students just like he tested me literally (within an inch of my life) to see whether I would misuse what I had been taught be him already. Somehow I survived all this and seemed to pass all the tests.

I would say the hardest test is loneliness in all of this because you are so far above in understanding what most people understand that you have to be careful how you associate with people when you are initiated by the Mystery schools here on earth in the Inner Secrets of Spirituality and Life in General.

So, to be initiated usually means "you have really been through it already and tested and seen that you won't misuse what you have been given and that you were able to maintain enough psychological balance to be of use to helping mankind survive long term too.

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