Monday, November 8, 2021

The Resurrectors

The Resurrectors will be the ones who through Geo-Engineering find a way for some humans to survive here on earth beyond this century.

Some humans have always found ways to survive as in growing food with Slash and burn techniques to prepare the soil for the next years crops or the next seasons crops. However, we need to move on to Geo-engineering ways to reduce both CO2 and Methane worldwide now. One way is to reduce burning things worldwide. HOwever, only the richest of nations can afford this transition and only if they choose to invest their monies that way. Poorer nations will be forced to collapse and their people to migrate as their governments collapse and roving gangs take the place of those governments in reality.

So, the Resurrectors will be the ones who through Geo-Engineering that will find ways to survive all this and who move forward with money and education and know how and engineering techniques to re-engineer the planet so everyone doesn't have to die this century from pandemics and global Climate changes.

By Resurrecting the human race from certain death this century some of us will be able to live on into the future in this way.

So, it is the thoughtful engineers of the future that we will call: "The Resurrectors of the human race" here on earth.

By God's Grace

However, in the meantime you are going to see mass migrations of millions of people from places like Central America North to the U.S. and Canada and from Africa and the middle East north to Europe so that some of them can survive what is now coming for everyone nearer to the equator.

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