Monday, November 8, 2021

There are other timelines where humans might not be present here on earth:


Humanoids colonized earth after they nuked Maldek out of existence. And since they were very religious they had created a non-interference treaty with the Galaxy. So, Maldek because of this is still the asteroid belt on the timeline we are on. However, a renegade being (not sure if he was in a human or other kind of form when he did this) through time travel eliminated both leaders who caused the nuking of Maldek for competing religious fundamentalist reasons. Because of this, humanoids didn't have to come to earth and genetically engineer us to serve them because they couldn't really survive here immunoligically very well. So, we are a humanoid-Ape hybrid they created that don't have (at least so far) the thousands of years or more lifespans that the original humanoids did and do on other planets. So far, our lifespans are usually 100 years or less but this is all going to change during the next few centuries here on earth for those rich enough to medically and physically survive the pandemics and global Climate changes.

It is my thought that most people on earth likely won't make it though and that we will be reduced down to 1 billion people or less who mostly will still be alive in places like Europe and the U.S. and Canada and maybe places really well organized with no freedom at all like China. However, we shall see who survives and who doesn't in real time during this century.

However, don't expect to see who is dying the most on TV News at all. They will simply mostly just be gone sort of like now with little or no reporting because people cannot handle the truth, especially in the richer countries on earth where death is mostly hidden from the people like here in the U.S.

Unless people actually see people around them dying first hand they tend to stay very very very unrealistic worldwide especially in the richer more educated nations.

So, my thought is that if humanoids didn't have to colonize Earth to survive here in the Solar system with enough air and water and all the things they needed to survive and if they didn't send an asteroid to kill all the bigger dinosaurs so they wouldn't have as much trouble here colonizing earth then that means that dinosaur evolutions like the Raptors (around that size) might have evolved into something resembling human beings somewhat in that evolution here on earth on other timelines where both Maldek and Mars are still inhabited by Humanoids before they genetically engineered us from ape and humanoid DNA.

There are many different possibilities of what actually happened during the last 65 million years since they sent an asteroid belt to kill all the larger dinosaurs so they could colonize earth. So, other timelines might not have the larger dinosaurs gone (at least in this way).

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