Wednesday, November 3, 2021

What does Precognitive mean?

 It means you often know what is going to happen before it actually happens.

There are many ways people learn things like this.

The first and most common is through a Deja Vu.

Deja Vu is French and it usually means having a dream or a vision of what is going to happen before it happens.

The single most striking Deja Vu is something that happened to me at age 5 years old that didn't come true until around 1970 or 1971 in San Diego California.

I was attending a course at San Diego State University and when this large class ended which had between 100 to 500 people attending about 50 of us decided to get together to study further because we all were very interested. The point of all this was to develop our psychic gifts like knowing things before they happen or soul traveling and things like this.

My Deja Vu at age 5 came true in San Diego in Balboa Park at a students home when we all gathered there. IN the 1950s people didn't have long hair (at least men didn't) so when my deja Vu came true it was of all these long haired college students at this party of all of us studying together to develop ourselves psychically. Through this group I eventually mastered Soul Travel. Strangely enough, what helped me the most was listening to a Song called "White Bird" on the record player and also "Om" from a Moody Blues Album and also "Thinking is the best way to travel" also from the Moody Blues Album there.

I had always even as a child known when people were going to die before they died which was very upsetting for an 8 to 10 year old by the way. But, by the time I was 20 I could more easily deal with people dying around me that I knew that they were dying before they died. As we grow up often we can learn to deal with our exceptional abilities better if we can survive these abilities. But, if we make it to 30 usually we are able to keep on living to old age by knowing what is coming and avoiding things that might kill us along the way and helping others to survive their lives as well.

By God's Grace

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