Saturday, November 6, 2021

Writing is about Creating a Future we all can live in and survive

Understanding this is everything. If we ONLY exist for ourselves then in a sense we have failed humanity.

So, from my point of view writing is about giving people hope for a better future so they don't just accidentally or on purpose that day kill themselves.

I myself spent from about 18 to 21 on to about 25 years old trying to find a reason to stay alive regarding what I was then facing in my own life.

My parents had never been to college even though my father had been to trade school to become an electrician and Electrical Contractor and had been valedictorian of his High School Class. But, his father wouldn't let him go to college or his two brothers either. They all had to be electricians like their electrical contracting father then in the early 1930s during the Great Depression.

So, as a result of neither of my parents having gone to college they didn't know much about psychology or how important it is to understand to actually want to choose to stay alive.

Many people want to turn to religion for this solace but often what one is actually believing in is sort of like believing in Disney cartoon or something like this if you really are logical and reasonable about it all.

So, for me, one of the main reasons I'm alive today is I discovered that pride (if it is meaningless when you analyze it) isn't useful in life regarding survival.

So, when I realized this I found I could find a way to survive my life.

Survival is about finding something that you can live with that you do in your life mostly.

Once you realize that life is NOT about pleasing your parents, it is about finding something you can stand to do in your own life that makes your life worth living then you can actually live your lives and enjoy them.

I was not happy at all from about age 18 to 32 years of age but then because I had learned enough about life I began to be happy then until I was 37 and my father died. Then I was unhappy until I was dying myself. Once I survived almost dying I took a different attitude which is: "I'm going to enjoy every moment I have left and be grateful for each moment left. That was 1999 in June when I had found I wasn't going to die from doctors finally. But, I had had to retire or die in Fall of 1998.

So, I started a blog then at which was eventually bought by Yahoo. then in 2007 I started this blog because I didn't have to program everything in HTML like I did with my geocities site. Here they have always had Auto-encoders which makes it about 90% easier to blog than before when I had to program everything in HTML (Hypertext Markup Language) which is the main online computer language here on earth. 

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