times 365 equals: 294,296,215
So, as you can see why 806,291 cases per day
is kind of serious for the nation and for the world
as well.
and if you don't want to get it try buying some KN-95
masks or N-95 masks or even some KN-94 masks.
what does the 95 stand for? It means it filters out
95% of all particulates which is what you want.
94 means it filters out 94% of all particulates.
The reason it can do this is it makes a better seal
on your face and is thicker than most other cheaper
masks. But, since you could buy about 10 of them
for a buck or more a mask and then wash one in hot
water in a sink over night to re-use it each night when
you come home from work or school, you likely
could keep doing that for several months as long as
you are ONLY soaking them in hot water in your sink
and then letting them dry over night or longer each time
you wear one.
These are the kinds of masks that doctors and nurses wear
in hospitals to stay alive and healthy.
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