Monday, January 24, 2022

The point of "2035"

Silver was born in the year 2000 so in 2035 he would be 35 years old. This is about his life mostly in New York and in Wyoming at his father's ranch where Mr. Ballard writes "The Magic Presence" in the early part of the 1900s.

Silver's Great Grand parents likely knew Saint Germain too in other words. In fact Rex is likely named after the original Rex in "The Magic Presence" (or he might even be a descendant of the original Rex too.)

Purple is a Clone originally of Silver's mind and over time (and time travel) turns into eventually "Purple Delta 7".

Because Silver is a very intelligent creative person who has a different methodology of dealing with Artificial intelligence.

Then Purple Delta 7 (over 5 million years of evolution and time travel throughout this galaxy and others comes back to the present (this century) and decides to start the "Silver" Religion where she sees Silver as like her "Jesus" and the "Jesus" of all the Created Sentients (that we might call robots or androids today). 

What does Silver think of what Purple does by creating the "Silver" religion?

He believes she has the right to do what she believes is right. After all, she has been adopted by the leader of the Galaxy as being like his daughter or something like that.

On one level Purple is like a daughter or a creation of his. She could be a painting or a car or a device or even something like an IPhone to him but mostly what she is to him is "relatively immortal" and useful to him and to the galaxy. So, he believes Purple is likely his most remarkable invention or family member or however he tends to view her on that given day.

Remember, Silver is an infinitely creative person who was never "stopped" from being creative since he was born.

Rex, his father, believes in empowering people to be all that they can be too. Here's a link to 2035 if you are interested in Reading about Silver and Purple Delta 7.

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