Thursday, August 11, 2022

What did College Teach me?

 I'm not sure whether I'm an unusual case or what? Also, I continued to go to college off and on from about 1966 until at Least 1990 when I attended UC Santa Cruz in California.

What did college teach me? I think the single most important thing college taught me was:

"Imagine the possibilities" in life.

This maybe is the single most important thing that College taught me. 

I also became much more of an efficiency expert in life in my approach to all aspects of life.

I also became much more of a critical thinker.

What does this mean?

It means I could more easily see through arguments and Ideas that were literally "full of Shit!"

And it allowed me not to be bamboozled by people religious, or just trying to scam me in various ways during my life.

So, the efficient way I learned how to approach literally all aspects of life greatly increased not only my chance for survival (psychologically, mentally, Emotionally and Physically) but also increased my chance of success in every way too.

Going to college also made me want more to travel to other countries and to make friends all over the world.

In other words it made me much less afraid to travel all over the world, especially as I studied about the countries and the areas of the world in college.

Going to college in some ways also saved my life in various ways in that I also studied psychology which allowed me to dump about 90% of what I was brainwashed to believe which likely would have resulted in my ending my own life by age 25.

So, all the things I learned in college both saved my life and also moved me towards being successfully married and raising a family and being a success in life in every way.

By God's Grace

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