Monday, October 7, 2024

How can you train people to use their present instincts and intuition?

 Here is a good example: My present wife was always incredible intuitive. She is what I would call "A Natural". She is one of the kindest most helpful people I have ever met and has three college degrees which also includes a Master's degree in Business specializing in Non-profits and writing Grants. 

However, she was trained to not have her own feelings a lot by her parents. Many parents do this as a way of controlling their children especially richer more educated parents. Though they mean well it also helps their children not make as good decisions as they otherwise would too.

So, when I met her I realized immediately that this was one of the most amazing people I had ever met in my lifetime. I was 46 at the time and knew right then that I would be happy to spend the rest of my life with this person.

But, in order to help her in her life I found I wanted to help her trust her intuitions and instincts more which I did along the way.

How do you train someone how to do this?

You show them that trusting their intuitions and instincts will help them and everyone else stay alive and healthy better.

Now it is 30 years later and I have trained her so well her intuition often works better than mine.

Here's the thing. Men's intuition is I find mostly Sword like. In other words it works more like the point of a sword and is less likely to be a 360 degrees in all directions thing.

Women tend to be more holistic so when they use their intuition it goes in all directions: up down sideways: in all directions equally. Because of this they might pick up something that a male might miss. 

Because a male is basically trained as a guardian of all around them like a policeman or soldier from birth (at least I was). So, this soldier way of thinking is swordlike and will cut through almost anything used properly when needed like a light saber or sword.

So, the advantage of being a woman with intuition is often you can sense things in all directions equally. However, there are also drawbacks too like becoming overwhelmed with too many things happening at once.

So, a man might be a sword as an intuitive and a woman might be more like a sun radiating in all directions at once.

However, training my wife (while also protecting her in all ways) has been an advantage to me and to our children and grandchildren and to everyone we know or meet.

By God's Grace

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