Wednesday, October 23, 2024

In order to survive your life you have to reject the put downs of others even your parents and relatives

Most people, (especially your relatives) might mean well and only want the best for you. However, often they are not trained in any way that supports this really. So, though relatives can be a source of strength they can also be a source of a person's self destruction in some cases too if you believe things they say about you that in your heart you know are not true.

So, one of the biggest elements to long term survival in a human body on earth is to learn who you are and what you are really capable of. You need to define who you are not others in the end. It's true we all need help to get to around 13 to 15 years old so we can begin to design ourselves as adults. But, if you let others design your future often this is a fatally flawed idea.

For me, one of the main reasons I'm still alive is I had to reject ideas in people around me that I could not live with.

It's sort of like you are standing on a train platform in a train station and waiting for a train. If someone you trust says "Jump onto the train track" do you jump onto the train track and get hit by that train?

Life is sort of like this. You have to trust your own instincts in life about what you actually can survive.

If someone says, "Jump off this cliff into the water 100 feet below!" Do you do this?

Being able to choose what will work for you and to stay away from  what won't is the key to survival.

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