Sunday, October 20, 2024

It's hard to watch what is happening lately on earth

It reminds me the most of what the "Bay of Pigs" and the Cuban Missile Crisis and the Kennedy assassination was like. It was a time of great Changes and a little like what happened during World War II almost repeating itself in a nuclear conflagration.

Now, the driving factor appears to be Global Climate changes and people being wiped out economically and sometimes physically around the world from extreme weather events which also cause less food to be grown because of droughts and flooding worldwide.

Now we have mass migrations from Africa and the Middle East happening with increasing frequency and people drowning trying to get to Europe from all over the African Subcontinent as weather woes increase exponentially there. The same kind of thing is happening in South and Central America where more and more people are moving north to the U.S. and Canada from there especially from places like Venezuela which is really a mess under Maduro. So, all this seems to be getting exponentially worse by the day.

So, like I said the weather seems to be the driving force regarding a lot of this just like Communism was the driving force then in the 1960s and Democracies reaction to Communism then.

Where is all this leading to?

Just like 1941 and 1960 to around 1975 it is basically impossible to fully predict where all this is going in the next 10 or 20 years which is one reason why people are so scared worldwide by events from the U.S. to Europe to the Middle East to Things happening in the Pacific Ocean from China confronting Taiwan and other Island Nations in the Pacific Ocean nearer to China.

"These are the times that Try men's Souls" is one statement about the world this year. Hopefully we will know more about where all this is going within 6 months to a year because things just can't stay this bad much longer without a real world war starting that might not end this decade or Century with all the problems coming together the way they are.

I still have hope for the world but I find it's harder every day to maintain a more positive and hopeful attitude.

So, Maybe it's time to Pray?

I think so.

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