Monday, October 7, 2024

Most read articles as of Monday October 7th 2024


The 60s: Wikipedia


most read articles from KYIV Post


The ultra-lethal drones of the future | New York Post 2014 article


The 70s: Wikipedia



reprint of: Drones very small to large


The science behind how a Florida hurricane ravaged North Carolina


Tiny Town hit by Helene could harm world semiconductor industry?


Even in the Santa Cruz Mountains above Santa Cruz, California the storms cut roads that might not be repaired yet


The last article is one of the Scariest I have seen so far


I can attest to this because I grew up in the 1950s during this perceptual change


Dow closes at record high after blow-out jobs report


Buildings made of cement and metal over 5 to 10 stories tall might be survivable in Hurricanes


Most read articles of the last 7 days as of Tuesday October 1st 2024


Drone deliveries, slow to take flight, come to Silicon Valley


The Sumerians: The first literate society historically on earth



Disney Halloween Faire?


India’s Rhino Stronghold Sees 86% Drop in Poaching and Five-Fold Increase in Rhinos


158,008 visits to intuitivefred888


Maybe Chapter 4? Adam 2nd Son of the Creator of the Galaxy: "Green. I would like to go visit Jonathan one of my father's incarnations in 1974 on Earth."


184 passengers and crew evacuated as Ryanair Boeing plane catches fire on runway in Italy


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