Monday, October 14, 2024

Unless we can hold onto Democracy and Human rights here in the U.S. human extinction is assured

 I have always been a precognitive intuitive. What does this mean?

It means I often know what will happen before it happens.

The most blatant example of this was the Loma Prieta Earthquake that I knew was coming 1 month before it hit.

begin quote:

1989 Loma Prieta earthquake

With an Mw magnitude of 6.9 and a maximum Modified Mercalli intensity of IX (Violent), the shock was responsible for 63 deaths and 3,757 injuries.
end quote:
Since I knew it was coming (well I knew something was coming and at first I thought it could be a nuke hitting the San Francisco Area.) But, as I thought about it more the probability of an Earthquake coming was about 90% and a nuke coming was about 1% so I finally logically deduced it was an earthquake coming. So, I packed up my family from Family Student Housing AT UCSC in Santa Cruz and we went to Maui and watched the Earthquake live on CNN instead of experiencing it ourselves.
Did this help us by going away to experience the earthquake only on TV?
I think I can answer this best by saying that God made it clear to me that one or more of my children might die if I stayed for this earthquake which likely was the worst earthquake since the 1971 San Fernando Quake and the Northridge Quake in the 20th Century.
The point being I often know things (especially earthquakes) before they happen.
So, this is one of the reasons I can tell you straightforward that if Trump is elected human extinction is assured by 2100 AD.
If I were to logically tell you why it would be likely that because Trump doesn't believe in Global Climate changes and that not doing enough to prevent the worst changes kill so many people on earth that civilization dies and then the human race dies too.
Because without viable civilization on earth that recognizes the problems we face we are all over this century. 

As a precognitive intuitive this is pretty obvious to me now.

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