Sunday, October 27, 2024

Where was my body when I was contacted by the UFO on Mt. Shasta in 1974

 In some ways that is difficult for me to say really when I was contacted at Bunny Flat around June of 1974. I had asked them not to have me remember as I wanted to be okay enough to raise my son right which they agreed to also at the time.

Then when I finally was allowed to remember most everything I was sort of more ready for this because I had almost died a few years before in 1998 and 1999. So, the remembering wasn't until the 2nd timeline had begun on the 2nd time September 11th 2001 actually happened. So, I started remembering what actually happened more fully in 2002 after the 2nd timeline began.

It is my belief presently that everyone on earth who can read or write any language has been abducted by UFOs for their purposes. (whatever that might be).

My best guess at present is they consider us to be their relatives and so they are taking care of their relatives so we don't go extinct here on earth.

However, it is also very clear to me that aspects of world Governments like the U.S. Government and the United Nations are also involved in time Travel to prevent nuclear and other holocausts ongoing including preventing human extincting plagues as well.

For example, I present believe that if Trump is elected that the human race goes extinct by 2100 AD mostly because of the Trumpers don't believe in Global Climate changes so the changes if you don't believe in them is sort of like not believing in tsunamis and gathering fish when the tide goes out. If you have studied tsunamis the first people to die in one are those that go gather the fish flopping on the bare ocean floor just before the big tsunami hits that shore.

My best friend witnessed this in Hilo, Hawaii when people ran out to gather the fish then they are dead.

My friend was in Hawaii in 1960 with his family when he was 12 or 13 and watched many people die from his hotel room then.

So, I guess what I'm saying is if you don't believe in Global Climate changes then it is far more likely you are going to die from these changes because you aren't preparing for what could actually happen to you in order to make it more likely for you to survive.

The point I think I'm trying to make here is that World Governments are involved in Time Travel to prevent really bad things happening here on earth and so they have intervened using Flying saucers capable of time travel many many times already.

As a result the world is as good as it presently is without human extinction. This was absolutely necessary as soon as Nuclear weapons were invented and everything else bad ever since.

But, my body I presently believe from what has come through me recently was suspended in the air near the UFO surrounded by a heated Forcefield and not inside the timespace traveling ship or flying saucer. And I also saw this likely same flying saucer in 1992 many years later travel time with Captain Forward and Lieutenant Back (not their real names) who were air force officers then traveling forward to find out if the human race went extinct from 2085 to 2095.

Did a lot of the information I write about get downloaded into me that day? I suppose that's possible. However, I think many other things have been going too.

However, I think one of the most important points for me is to tell you that I was able to carry all this information after nearly dying in 1998 and 1999 when I was 50 and 51 years old. So, by 2002 I was actually 54 years old and more able to deal with all the unusual things that had happened to me in 1974 to 1992 when I saw the saucer accompanied by 3 Chinook unmarked Grey helicopters with no insignia or call letters at all which showed me that they were a black ops unit. Also, after the saucer traveled time in 1992 they headed off in formation down Highway 89 at around 3500 feet above the highway towards the general direction of Area 51.

My memories of the experience was that I met Elohar and Ragna from the first timeline who came from 7028 AD on the first timeline. Since Civilization ended for 4 thousand years until around 6000 AD on that timeline human beings had changed a lot since 2001 who were still functioning then.

When I spoke with them they laughed a little like Dolphins do which was a little disturbing to me so mostly I was trying to just stay alive and not have a complete breakdown as a human being not really being prepared for any of this.

However, I think my reaction was a little like when I was in my IH Scout II 4 wheel drive which was a 1974 with my father and son on a dirt road out past McCloud way out in the country in a forest there without people for miles in all directions when we met a black bear on the dirt road. The black bear rose up and threatened us with his paws in the air standing as tall as he could. I put the Scout II in reverse and back up a little so he wouldn't break a window out of our vehicle at the time. Once he realized we weren't going to attack or harm him he went back down on all 4s and walked off into the forest.

Just like that situation I wasn't really prepared for seeing a bear that day with my 5 to 10 year old son in the 4 wheel drive with us. I wasn't prepared for people laughing like dolphins because they didn't have noses or ears like us. I think this happens from living underground away from living out in the rain.

Ours ears and noses are for shedding rain and snow as a human adaptation and if we lived out of the rain and snow a lot for long enough we wouldn't have noses or ears (at least like the ones we presently do).

So, from an anthropological or evolutionary point of view this makes logical sense to me now. So, in some ways we are still a lot like our ancient human forebears that developed noses and ears of the kind we presently have here on earth.

The other experience that day was me screaming because I was shown videos (might be the right word for it) of recordings of millions and billions of people dying the first time September 11th happened. However, remember this is now June of 1974 I was experiencing this. So, in order for them to show me these things they had to be from the future where this actually happened in their past history.

I think the reason why they thought nothing of sharing this with me was that this was their history they both had witnessed many times and didn't realize that this would affect me in a horrific way they way it actually did at the time.

It was this dying of millions and billions of fellow earth born humans that I most wanted to forget and not remember so I could raise my son okay without having serious PTSD from witnessing all this carnage and screaming and death of millions and millions of people on September 11th 2001 and after on the first timeline.

So, this was the main reason I asked that I not remember all this even after I promised to help them create a 2nd timeline.

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