Sunday, October 6, 2024

Why is writing your own Creation story important?

 I think it's important after studying about many many creation stories in American Indian Tribes and in groups of people all over the world.

How you describe your relationship with reality as you know it is very important in trying to be true to yourself and to all life around you.

It is my experience that all life is alive and that there is no real way to separate ourselves from rocks and trees and plants and oceans and oceans of Air that circle our planet. In other words we are never really alone because all life is there with us as our family. This is my experience in nature that nature is my family.

I especially live near the ocean because it makes me feel at peace to watch the waves break upon the shore and to see all the sea birds running around near the waves in larger groups of birds. It is also wonderful to see the Pelicans glide on the wind up and down the coast after they finish feeding on fish that day. They just ride the air currents up and down the coast like people flying paragliders too or hang gliders.

So, writing your own creation story can empower you in your life and make your life more real and feel less fake to you. 

On one level cities are all fake and nature if left alone is all real (from my point of view).

So, I think seeing a city as an art work crafted by many people might be the most useful way to look at them. They are not permanent even though they seem like they are. They are temporary like everything humans build is temporary. However, nature left to it's own devices is permanent if we let it be.

Global Climate changes are bringing back nature in a new form in a different way which is going to change all humans who continue to survive here on earth.

So, by writing your own creation story you also empower yourself to stay alive and to enjoy life here on earth. Otherwise it is hard to not feel fake in your life or just feel like a piece of art in someone else's art gallery.

If you can be the architect of your own life a beginning is often your writing your own creation story.

This is what I presently believe after living 76 years mostly in California and Hawaii during my lifetime.

By God's Grace

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