Wednesday, October 2, 2024

You need Cash for emergencies like Hurricane Helene when all telecommunications and ATMS go down

When telecommunications go down you lose, ATM, VISA, American Express and all the rest. So, if you don't have cash to pay for things like GAs, Water and food then you might not survive if this continues for several weeks like it will from Tennessee to Florida.


Once I experienced where no ATM types of cards worked I realized I needed to carry enough cash for gas an food for when this happens. At the time I was in Buellton between the San Francisco Bay area and Santa Barbara and I needed to buy gas. Because I had cash I was able to make it to Santa Barbara by buying gas. IF I hadn't had cash I couldn't have done this. Also, I wouldn't have been able to get a motel room either there because no ATMS, No Credit cards were working either. I think especially away from the major cities people need to be carrying at least 100 to 300 dollars in cash all the time now because of the coming disasters ahead year around now. Otherwise, many will not even have the cash to survive these emergencies. So, whether you are in a city or in the country without enough cash during an emergency you may not survive that day or week or month.

Another Solution for some people is to have a safe at home where you keep enough cash to survive for a month. Just think about how much you need to survive a month without telecommunications and power and no ATMS or credit Cards working at all.

So, how much do you spend in a month to stay alive and live? 2 thousand, 3 thousand, 4 thousand, 5 thousand for you and your family? This is the minimum amount you should have in a safe or between your mattress or in your wall or someplace dry and safe from the weather so you can have access to it in an emergency like Hurricane Helene.

It isn't just the hurricane or other weather or fire or earthquake event, it is trying to survive the month or months after this too when you can't go to work, you can't get paid for not working and the Red Cross and FEMA might not be there to help you either worldwide.

Another important thing is to have plenty of non-perishable food to survive these things too. So, cash, potable water, non-perishable food is what everyone needs now to survive whatever comes next. 

What is non-perishable food? Rice, pasta, some peanut butters, can goods and some crackers that won't go stale easy. In other words food that doesn't need to be refrigerated. Because in a power outage where there is no telecommunications there is no electricity to keep your food from perishing within a day or two. So, even if you have 1000 dollars in perishable food it mostly won't be worth or safe to eat within 3 to 5 days of when the power goes out. And even if you have a gasoline generator how much gasoline do you have stored to keep it running without cash to buy more gas for your vehicle to go get gas and how much cash do you have to buy gas for your generator? And are the gas stations even open if they don't have electricity or a generator themselves?

If you are not prepared for these things you might not be one of the survivors physically or mentally or emotionally.

Another thing to remember is any medicines you need might not be available for weeks or months so it might be a good idea to have a months worth of your medicines or anything else you need to survive this time too.

I think preparing for at least 1 month with no telecommuncations (no phones no credit cards no atms) might be important as well as food and water so you can survive when something like Hurricane Helene happens where you live (wherever it is on earth).

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