Overpopulation which caused Global Climate changes the last 25,000 years starting from Slash and burn techniques used to replenish soils after harvesting thousands of years ago. As the wood and slash burning from harvested soils threw up ash and smoke into the sky the weather started (very slowly to change) over time.
Then in the early 1800s Earth reached 1 billion people which cannot be sustained over that without destroying the ecology of the whole planet.
Now we are reaping the whirlwind (in storms and droughts and floodings) randomly worldwide.
Because of droughts and flooding especially along with winds over 100 mph plants are blowing away in the winds, being washed away in the floods and drying up in the droughts worldwide caused by the changes to the weather.
Some of the most extreme changes are also at the north pole and Arctic Circle as well.
And of course Antarctica (a landed continent once covered by ice) is melted off partially every winter which is there summer now more and more.
Eventually people will start to colonize Antarctica as the world heats up more and more. This will also happen in Northern Canada, Alaska, Greenland and Siberia as well.
So, the Mass migrations of people are only going to increase over the next 50 to 100 years in order for people to survive all the changes.
I think the most people who will migrate are the small farmers around the world no longer able to grow crops because of changes to rain patterns where they cannot grow enough food to live anymore. These people are close to the earth and realize first that they cannot survive where they are with the weather changes.
These people primarily are living nearer the equator worldwide by the way and often without air conditioning because they are small farmers worldwide.
So, in watching how small farmers who cannot survive on their lands anymore you will better understand what is going to happen in the future too. So, if you watch these small farmers move away because they are starving you are going to know what is coming for all of us worldwide sooner or later too.
Living underground more to prevent your wooden homes blown away (especially on plains) around the world and living underground even in mountains because your home might stay 60 degrees underground year around so heating and air conditioning wouldn't be the expense it presently is might be helpful too.
People are going to find a way to survive these changes or they won't survive at all.
Humans are very innovative after all (we had to survive ice ages remember as humans too) so I expect about 20% to 50% of the amount of people to still be alive here on earth by 2050 as now even though I expect the population of earth will return to 1 billion or below by 2100AD.
So, we are in for it I believe as human beings on earth. However, I don't see big wars anymore because of Nuclear weapons and chemical weapons. But, I do see a whole lot of people starving or being blown through the air on various wind driven storms like hurricanes and tornadoes and the like between now and 2100 AD.
So, some humans are going to survive all this. However, unless people prepare to be survivors they won't survive what is coming. So, educating your children on how to survive anything might be useful about now.
My older kids we taught basic wildnerness survival skills to in the early 1980s especially. So, kids learning how to survive in various wilderness situations might be useful to them this century and beyond.
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