Tuesday, November 6, 2012

1.1 million new Millionaires in U.S. under Obama

Begin quote:
A new study from WealthInsight, the London-based wealth-research and data firm (and yes, they are non-partisan), showed that the United States added 1.1 million millionaires between Jan. 1, 2009 and the end of 2011, the latest period measured. There were 5.1 million millionaires in America at the end of 2011, compared with around 4 million at the end of 2008.
That works out to more than 1,000 millionaires a day under the Obama administration. (They defined millionaires as people with total net worth of $1 million or more, excluding primary residence).
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 So, strangely enough if you ask if Obama has been good for millionaires the answer is actually "Yes".
Then if you ask if he has been good for the middle Class the answer might be "Yes" if you consider "Obamacare" which will prevent middle class people going bankrupt from health issues.
Then if you ask if he has been good for the poor this is more difficult to answer.

However, if you compare him to Romney who would end Food Stamps for the poor so they would just starve instead then you have to say that Obama has been good for the poor because they would all starve under Romney.

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