Tuesday, June 11, 2013

People around the world wondering what to believe

What it was like in the 1950s through about 1965: "If you don't believe what we tell you you will get the same as Secretary of Defense Forrestal and President Kennedy. They dared to have a different point of view too."

People who suspected that UFOs were real during the Cold War in the U.S. often were ushered away and never heard from again. So, the average person learned to keep his or her beliefs to themself.

In this one way living in the U.S. has been a lot like Communist China and Communist Soviet Russia. If someone here was too boisterous and became too famous regarding their UFO experiences suddenly you never heard from them again. The reason it isn't like that now is that it has become engrained within most of U.S. Society to laugh at people who believe in UFOs. But if you visited Communist China or Soviet Russia if you talked outside the party line you could disappear (and still can) both places. Where as it is much more likely because this has gone on so long now that you won't necessarily disappear like you once would have.

Even in 1974 when I had my first UFO experience on Mt. Shasta there was no way I was going to tell the army or even the police about it. Too many people my age had just disappeared and were never heard from again. So, about 10 years later my best friend's mother was dating a U.S. Army Colonel and wondered why I hadn't reported my experience. My real reaction was that I wanted my son to grow up and I didn't want to be taken away with wires put under my fingernails and tests to be done on me. So, only my closest friends would I share this kind of stuff with as a result.

So, because of the reported cases of people's friends disappearing trying to be patriotic actually backfired on the U.S. Government because people like me (There were 100 like me for every person never seen alive again) said, "Hey. If you are going to ruin our lives just because we have a UFO experience by your trying to hide it from the masses then we just won't share this with you."

So, in this way government persecution of thousands and millions of people who had experiences with real UFOs just drove people away from trusting the U.S. government.

So, I think the real reason the government isn't trusted by citizens is wars like Viet Nam and Iraq and Afghanistan that really haven't accomplished anything but kill U.S. citizens and millions of locals in Viet Nam, Afghanistan and Iraq and if President Kennedy was killed by a secret government (quite likely) then this also is why the people only trust the Congress now in single digits. Because obviously we don't really have a democracy anymore. We only have the appearance of one.

So, it was sort of like the government saying to us, "You didn't really see what you saw. And further if you tell people in public what you saw you will lose your job and your career and we will make sure you get laughed at." So, if you wonder why trust in the Congress is at single digits you don't really have to go further than Kennedy, Viet Nam, Afghanistan, Iraq  and persecution of thousands and millions directly and indirectly who have had real UFO experiences just in the U.S. Let alone the millions and millions of real experiences with UFOs worldwide for thousands of years already here on earth.

Here are some real experiences:

Former Pilots and Officials Call for New US UFO Probe

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