Tuesday, June 11, 2013

Paul Hellyer testififies at CHD in Washington DC

After listening to his testimony at the CHD in Washington DC here are some of the facts the Ex- Defence Minister of Canada Presented:

He said that there are 4 known groups of aliens from other planets visiting Earth that have been for thousands of years. He also said they could be thought of philosophically as different from each other as China, Russia and the U.S. and other governments here.

He spoke with an Airman who worked with one of the tall Whites as they are called because they are much taller than humans and this airman wrote a book the best of which is "Millenial Hospitality 2".

He felt that 97% of what he has found out should be shared with all of humanity because it is their birthright to know about this.

But he said that this is being prevented by:
The Tri-Lateral Cartel
The Oil Cartel
The Bilderburgers
Various intelligence gathering networks
and militaries around the western  world
The Cabal governing this is accountable to no one
and elected by no one.

This is why our rights are being taken away from us
We are fighting a war that cannot be won the way it is being fought

All the rights people fought for in World War II are being flushed down the
toilet by the Cabal that is answerable to no one.

end basic facts from his presentation.

This basically fits in with what I was saying before. Truman and Eisenhower were trying to protect uneducated and superstitious people worldwide from about 1947 until 1960 and then the Cabal got involved and possibly when Kennedy found out about this he was likely assassinated by them. This likely is why people haven't trusted the U.S. government much since Kennedy was assassinated and the Viet Nam War happened which always sort of seemed like a manufactured distraction to take people's attention away from being concerned about what happened to President Kennedy. So Presidents since then have been kept out of the loop so to speak. Besides, they all know likely what happened to Kennedy. Or they do now.

Before Kennedy was assassinated trust in government ran about 77% or above. The present trust in government is in the single digits for Congress. Think about it.

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