Sunday, December 17, 2017

The Ability to Heal and to be Healed

It starts with integrity that comes from actions of compassion towards yourselves and others. And from this one receives peace. This state of being which I call "being kindred with all life in the universe" gives the ability to heal oneself and others.

It is accepting your place in the universe without fear.

The next component is the person that needs to be healed.

Will they allow themselves to be healed?

Do they feel worthy of this healing according to all the thoughts, feelings and actions in their lives?

If the answer is "Yes" then often that person can be healed in various ways.

But, the person to be healed has to forgive themselves enough to receive the healing regarding all aspects of their lives.

Why does this healing occur?

Because life realizes this person needs to stay alive and help others heal and be alive ongoing into the future.

This is what I call "Spontaneous Healing".

And this is the next step in human evolution where healer and the healed create ongoing healings that seem miraculous and are.

I have been careful as I wrote this to keep this in a certain way of seeing so as not to eliminate people from this process that may not believe in God but still have integrity and compassion for themselves and others.

Most of the world believes in God but many do not. For example, Buddhists believe in Hierarchy related to succeeding levels of Buddhas up to where they encompass the whole universe. So, there are beings at higher and higher levels of enlightenment some of whose enlightenment encompasses the whole physical universe and beyond.

Also, there are various belief systems that work for individual people as well.

So, I'm writing this so all people can realize they can be healed no matter what belief system they have.

So, the primary cause of healing both for the healer and the healed is compassion for themselves and all others, especially the one to be healed.

There have always been miraculous healings from the time of Jesus and even before that. Here I'm trying to scientifically share the methodology of how this all occurs.

There are physical interventions of healing which are often medicines and surgery but there are also miraculous elements of healing which have to do with how both healers and the healed perceive reality.

The healed cannot become healed unless they accept the healing in the first place and often forgiveness of oneself is necessary for the healing to occur.

This is especially true in miraculous healings where oneness with the creative principle of the universe is necessary for complete miraculous healings.

By understanding this mechanism one can more easily enter the realm of miraculous healings as both a healer and one of the healed.

By God's Grace

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