Wednesday, December 27, 2017

If you own a house or property you are going to get screwed until the Tax Bill is repealed by Democrats!

If you own a home under the new tax bill you are completely screwed (unless you are renting it out and can deduct your home or property taxes as a business deduction).

There are really only two groups who actually can benefit from this bill:1
1. Corporations
2. people who rent apartments or  rent houses And these people can only benefit for 8 years

But for Corporations it is a permanent advantage until it is repealed within 2 years by the Democrats and all this is paid for in blood by Middle Class property owners who live in their own homes nationwide.


Because you can ONLY deduct 10,000 dollars in state and local taxes now. So, for example, say your property taxes are 20,000 dollars (very common in California) this means not only can't you deduct 10,000 dollars of your property taxes you also cannot deduct any California or County or local taxes either. So, you could be paying 20,000 dollars more than last year the next year in Taxes unless you can pay your property taxes by December 31st 2017 when you can still write off your taxes completely in the U.S.

When enough home owners find this out across the country you are going to hear screaming like you never heard before except for when the Republicans tried to repeal Obamacare and failed except for the repeal of the Individual Mandate they put into the Tax Bill that just passed.

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