Monday, December 25, 2017

The problem with Drones of Air , Land and Sea

The problem is less in the technology that drives them but more in being able to make their own decisions through AI without any human help.

So, if someone is remotely flying one this is more controllable in an emergency.

But, imagine 1000 Predator Drones were all armed with hellfire missiles and an EMP happened that blew out the communications with the remote human pilot and those 1000 predator drones all armed with 1 or 2 hellfire missiles then had to choose what targets and what humans to hit themselves.

The problem I have is with the artificial intelligence itself deciding who to kill. If you have  human operators flying those 1000 drones remotely somewhere in say Nebraska or Arizona or Nevada anywhere on earth, that pilot and gunnery officer can make better decisions of who and what to hit and what not to hit. But, artificial intelligence is very cold indeed and the decisions it makes without human contact might be really awful or not, especially if we are talking about 1000 armed Predator drones flying ANYWHERE on earth.

And political and diplomatic decisions and input might not be available in some situations which could make any problem on earth much much worse in many different directions as well.

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