Monday, January 15, 2018

The Whole World is Crazy: But then it always has been

I remember meeting this young man and his girlfriend that wanted to marry him and his parents as they went into a counseling session with my friend the priest. I was just leaving after talking with my old friend, the priest.

Later the priest told me that the young man was a very difficult counseling case because the young man had decided (even though he had a young woman that wanted to marry him and his family loved him that he thought he should kill himself. The priest was using all his tricks as a counselor (after all he had once been district Attorney for Santa Cruz County before he had become a Jesuit Priest.

The young man was completely set on killing himself until finally the priest looked at the young man and said to him, "You do know everyone is crazy don't you?"

This stopped the young man in his tracks as the priest went on, "There is really no one that is sane in this world. You do understand that don't you?"

This changed the young man's perspective completely and he gave up the idea of killing himself and he married his girlfriend and his family and his wife were happy and hopefully he was too.

He just needed to understand that "No human being is really sane in the end."

None of us are perfect. And likely because he thought he should be perfect as an adult he couldn't deal with ANY of his imperfections that we all are bound to have.

So, when we look at Trump and all the wars and all the conflicts and confusions here on earth we really shouldn't be surprised.

The real surprise actually is that the human race has done as well as it has.

Understanding there are no fully sane people on earth is very freeing in one's understanding of everything on earth.

It makes us much more compassionate towards ourselves and all others along the way in life throughout our sometimes very long lives.

By God's Grace 

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