Saturday, February 22, 2020

I can't vote for Bernie or Trump

And I'm not alone here in the U.S. So, either I vote for someone else or a don't vote at all which likely is going to happen for many Americans who see Sanders as just as big a disaster as Trump is now only the opposite kind of disaster for the U.S.

Trump will destroy completely human rights for the poor and middle Class (of all parties) and Sanders will destroy capitalism in the U.S. through over taxation like you see in Europe in Socialist countries there. And if you have listened to Sanders foreign policy ideas he is just as crazy as Trump in regard to how he treats other nations just in a different way too.

If Sanders is the Democratic Nominee in November it is likely Trump will win. But then again Sanders versus Trump is what Putin is trying to create also. He wants either of them as president because either will destroy our democracy.

So, Democrats and Independents who are moderate to conservative won't have a candidate they can vote for in November it looks like.

Of course all this could change by next month with the Democratic Circular Firing Squad in place.

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