Thursday, May 9, 2013

If the Universe is the Mind of God

If the universe is the mind of God and we are thoughts in the mind of God along with everything in the universe then there is no location or locations there are only states of consciousness. It is sort of like dealing with a virtual reality online. What are you and I doing right now online? How do we communicate? You could be literally anywhere on earth or anywhere in the universe and be reading this right now. Not only that you could theoretically be in the past, present and future at any or even all points in the universe and reading this right now. What is the location that this consciousness exists in?

So, if you and I and everyone else are thoughts in the mind of God and God is the entire physical and non-physical universe then there is no physical location and only states of consciousness. So Earth would be like a Youtube Channel that you and I reside at and live our lives in this virtual context. But, from this point of view locations are only reference points and not actual. Learning to live with this seeming contradiction is something more and more of us likely will have to learn to do from now on.

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