Thursday, May 9, 2013


If you haven't turned 65 yet but expect to some day I can say you are in for a very strange treat.
First of all, you cannot be accepted by any other health insurance provider completely after the day you turn 65. I found this very strange. For example, I have gone to two health care providers and one found my medicare account and one couldn't. So, for example, the pharmacy found my account and I had to pay about 10% or 20% as much for my medicines as before going on medicare. This was pretty good. However, then I cut my leg on a bedframe in a hotel about a week ago and had to make sure today it wasn't infecting. They couldn't find my medicare account because medicare hasn't sent me a card yet. So, I guess I'm supposed to fill out some card in the next few days or something in regard to that place. So, medicare is like nothing you have ever experienced before. Very strange but also interesting because of the medicine discounts from the pharmacy so far.

If you are already on Social Security before you turn 65 parts A and B are automatic but all the other parts are not automatic so be sure to set those up on your own with your insurance broker. But, if you are not on Social Security by 65 you have to set it up yourselves so don't forget to do that because none of your other private health insurance will work after the month your turn age 65 in the U.S. otherwise.

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