Tuesday, June 11, 2013

Precognitive psychic's Useful Rules

First of all every precognitive psychic is fairly unique. This I have always found. However, the following rules seem to help:

There are people who see the future who believe in God (most common)
And there are people who don't believe in God but have another spiritual way of looking at things(less common at least here in the U.S.)

The one rule I have found is that if you know when someone is going to die you usually don't tell them this information because this information itself might upset them and kill them prematurely. Often when someone is going to die there is nothing they or anyone else can do about it.

For example, I knew my mother in law was going to die of something before the doctors diagnosed it a couple of months later. But, I likely made a mistake in telling my wife about her mother's impending death. So, she got hysterical and got mad at me and I as proven right two months later when her doctor told her mother she had incurable lung cancer. What was the right thing for me to do? Well. There wasn't a right answer and I knew it. But, since I knew her mother was dying I felt I needed to say something just in case there was some small hope of saving her. She passed away at 75 in the spring of 1999.

But, paradoxically my main rule is not to write about good news. You might way, "Why Not?"
The actual reason is really quite simple if you think about it. Whenever you tell someone the future, their knowledge of this will change the future away from whatever you tell them. Don't ask me to explain this because I can't entirely other than attention is sort of like a prayer of sorts, it changes whatever it is put on.

So, if I sense something really good coming for me or someone else in the family or even for mankind I will make it a point never to utter a word about it so that it actually happens.

But, if I sense something bad about to happen I will write about it because your attention on it will change it usually to something better than what was coming.

This is just the way it all works so if you are a precognitive psychic like me talking about things you don't like that you want to change is 100s of times more useful than talking about good things you see that will happen.

So, if you see good things coming don't talk about them to anyone so they can actually happen.


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