Monday, September 2, 2013

Political Correctness Won't Work in Syria

Political Correctness works sometimes when black people and white people don't call each other names. It also works when Gays and Lesbians don't call straight people names and vice versa.

But, that is not what we are dealing with in Syria. What we are dealing with in Syria looks a whole lot more like the Cold War than anything else. For example, look at all these conflicts during the Cold War:
Conflicts related to the 1st Cold War

So, Detente (or something like it might work here). Since both sides are never going to come to the table to discuss anything (because now both sides are guilty of different forms of competing atrocities) (And I think Assad now wins the Atrocity Game in Syria with the most atrocities so far).

So, at least the bigger powers like Great Britain and European Union, the U.S. and Russia have to set an example to Iran and Syria who both have used Chemical weapons in wars (including this one) in the present and past.

So, though we may not be able to stop the war or completely stop the atrocities we may be able to lessen them happening ongoing by 50 to 70%. And this will make life better for the average Russian and the Average European and average American as well as the average person in every uncomfortable dictatorship on Earth including (now here's the best part), the average person in Syria.

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