Tuesday, September 17, 2013


It rained a little last night here in Mt. Shasta. I heard it come down during the night and then early this morning I heard someone scream that didn't expect it to hit them. It's sort of sporadic off and on and I can't see the mountain right now because it is covered with clouds. So, likely driving north to Portland we will see rain on and off today. Hopefully, the furniture in the Uhaul trailer will be dry enough with the painter's plastic we put on it inside the covered trailer. The trailers are water resistant but not necessarily waterproof. But, the alpine amazingness of Mt. Shasta and the surrounding area is always a welcome site any time of the year. However, I must say I have never that I can remember seeen less snow on Mt. Shasta this time of year. Mt. Shasta and the California beginning of the Cascade Mountains didn't get much lasting snow pack this year. The same is true of the Sierras from Mt. Lassen National Park South into California.

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