Thursday, January 23, 2014

Is Abe Warning China?

Abe: China-Japan Ties 'Similar' to Britain and Ger...

If I am to take Seriously what Japan's leader Abe is saying in the above word button quote on this page then I have to be concerned that it is a warning to China that they have gone too far and that Japan may be ready to do battle with them for real at some point in the near or not so near future.

Or it could also be a warning to the whole world that Japan has taken all it is going to take from China which leaves us all in the same place.

Any way you look at it the U.S. and Europe might be drawn into such an actual battle potentially on the side of Japan because of longstanding business ties there since World War II.

So, we may be moving into a new world era not defined anymore by World War II politics and war resolutions but rather into a more scary geopolitical reality of the present and future.

When I look at China now I tend to see it as an unruly teenager trying to get used to new found powers. You sort of worry that China will be so overextended in so many directions at once that it either will collapse from within through internal conflicts or get involved in something like a war with Japan over these islands. It is sort of troubling for the world while China grapples with it's new found power. The world wonders whether China can mature and become more of a friend to the world or whether it will be too much for China sort of like what Justin Beiber is going through trying to grow up while being too rich without any supervision from adults.

So, the world is very nervous, China, because we don't know what you are going to do next and unfortunately, we don't think you know either. So, the world is hopeful but practical as it waits to see what China will become next on the world stage.

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