Sunday, January 26, 2014

Mall Shootings

One way to look at Mall shootings which seem to happen as often as once a month now in the U.S. is to see this as a natural mamalian response:
  1. mammalian - definition of mammalian by the Free Online Dictionary ...
    Any of various warm-blooded vertebrate animals of the class Mammalia, including humans, characterized by a covering of hair on the skin and, in the female, ...

  2. Mammalian | Define Mammalian at
    Mammalian definition, an animal of the class Mammalia; mammal. See more.

  3. Mammal - Merriam-Webster Online
    Mammals range in size from tiny bats and shrews to the enormous blue whale. Monotremes (platypus and echidna) lay eggs; all other mammals bear live young.
    A lot of research into overpopulation has been done on rats (who are also mammals like humans. Other mammals are dogs, cats, bears, lions etc.) but in real life when you mix  human overpopulation and easy accessibility of weapons I think you are going to see this as city populations increase wherever weapons can be bought legally.
    In some ways even terrorists attacking people in malls also could be thought of as a natural mammalian response to reduce competition for food, shelter, mating, space.
    So, as long as law abiding depressed people with often no criminal records snap one by one across the U.S. you likely are going to see an increase directly related to an algorithm. So, if one took a mathematical model (I'm not sure what it would be based upon) but if someone did the mathematics from about 1950 to now they likely could predict the amount of people who would snap and do this sort of thing the next 50 years. They likely could tell you how many of these as they increase over the next 50 years would occur in the 50 states and how many of these events would tend to occur each year as they increase nationwide.
    They wouldn't be able to predict where it would happen but they would be able to likely be fairly accurate at how many of these types of events will happen per year as they increase Algorithmically over the next 50 years.
    I think once people see this as a mammalian natural trait in response to human overpopulation rather than just one crazy individual at a time snapping more useful methods might be employed to deal with this sort of thing nationwide ongoing. 

    For example, a healthy person's reaction might be to say to themselves: "It's too crazy here in the city maybe I  need to move to the country to have more space" I did this myself in 1976 so I could hear my own thoughts and to have more space to raise my son with my first wife by moving to Mt. Shasta which was a wonderful thing for us to do at the time.

    But, obviously people who stay in places and just snap and harm people don't have any way to deal with what is happening inside of them other than to kill themselves while killing others.

    "Why don't they have the sense to come in out of the rain?" so to speak? This might be an important question to ask too about people who just strike out at others and themselves too. Because it is obviously an aberrant response to whatever stimuli they are encountering both within themselves and externally from the world around them.

    The answer has to be both likely. They didn't receive the support they needed from themselves and/or others in their lives or they had something medically wrong with them that wasn't properly treated in such a way that they could stay alive and allow others to live. 

    Also, mall shootings likely will lead to people buying online more from and Ebay and other online retailers. In a similar way all the cruise ships with people getting sick likely will lead to more people flying or driving to their destinations or taking their own sailboat or power boat with less people to those destinations or combinations that don't include large cruise ships. Likely, all these things will happen to a greater or lesser degree directly caused by people being afraid of being shot at a mall and people not wanting to pay money to get sick on a cruise ship.

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