Friday, June 13, 2014

The Value of Following your Hunches

If you can first engineer your life as you are going up to have enough freedom of actions (like being an entrepreneur and having your own business) you are much less likely to suddenly one day wind up dead or maimed.

Because being forced to do things you are out of sync with internally is how people get sick, die, get maimed or go insane often.

The closer you can be to being free in your own actions and creativity often the longer you will live.

Yes. It sometimes is difficult to engineer one's life in this direction. However, if you don't you will only be a martyr usually to someone else's cause not your own and you often will die an early death.

So, being selfish enough as a young person to begin to create a life you can stand to live in the end is a good thing. It really doesn't matter what anyone else wants it only in the end matters what you want.

So, unless you are trying to become a dead martyr or something follow your hunches and stay alive to watch your children grow up because they will need you. And your Grandchildren. Believe me.

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