Saturday, August 15, 2015


  1. René Descartes - Wikipedia, the free encyclopediaé_DescartesCached
    René Descartes was a French philosopher, mathematician, and scientist who spent most of his life in the Dutch Republic. He has been dubbed the father of modern ... 

    His two sayings that touched me the most in my life are: 

    1. I think therefore I am

    2. There is nothing so good that no bad may come of it, and there is nothing so Bad that no Good may come of it.

    Both have been very important to me in understanding my life and the world around me.

    Because both my parents were Christian Ministers Growing up especially the 2nd part of number 2 has been very important for me to understand "There is nothing so Bad that no good may come of it."

    This then led me to Non-Dualism which is basically looking at everything that happens sort of like the weather.

    Is rain good or bad? It depends on the situation. How much rain are we talking about in how little time?

    Is snow good or bad? Do you want to go skiing or did it just close your road for 4 months to town?

    So, in viewing weather like this only droughts can only be thought of as bad(but even then I bet some people do better in droughts). (Like people selling and hauling water to other people).

    So, Descartes and the way he thought carried over today was very helpful to me in understanding literally everything in all cultures and religions around me.

    All religions came from philosophies originally. Also, all sciences came from philosophy too.

    So, what is philosophy? Philosophy is asking questions. However, then the answers create all the sciences here on earth.

    Seeing life in this way one can survive anything and still go on.

    Everything is survivable. If you aren't dead there is still hope.

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