Monday, August 3, 2015

More regarding my experience growing up with "I AM" Pageants in Mt. Shasta

"I Am" Pageant is 2nd Weekend in August in Mt. Sha...

I was told that this pageant is the weekend of  August 7th, 8th and 9th here in 2015 or this coming weekend. People come from all over the world especially places like the U.S., Canada, Scotland, England, Switzerland, Germany, Australia, and South and Central America for this.

When I was raised from birth in this religion until we separated ways in 1969 when I was 21 I had been in the pageant many many times in many different parts like the Boy Jesus in the Temple, a Violet Flame Resurrection Angel, and Arcangel Gabriel when I was age 20 and an Angel of Promise when I was 21.

So, all the people I met over the years from around the world were a blessing in my life growing up. Even though I eventually realized by my late 20s that I am just too individualistic to fit into any one organized religion, still I see this religion as a part of my family in that I grew up with these people from all around the world.

However, then I had to form my relationship with Jesus and Saint Germain through direct experiences which I must say was incredibly powerful and useful but also at times sort of lonely. Because one can travel much further and faster alone than having to wait for everyone to catch up.

But then there is also the Tibetan Buddhist perspective which is also very valuable about all this.

They say that it is better to move to enlightenment in a Boeing 747 with everyone on board than to row across the Pacific Ocean by yourself because it is much quicker with a group on a charter flight which I think is a really valid point of view after everything I have studied through the years.

So, I'm very grateful still to Mr. And Mrs. Ballard for being my first religious and spiritual teachers of this lifetime along with my parents and relatives and friends from all over the world.

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