Tuesday, September 15, 2015

Advantages and disadvantages of developing as an intuitive

The main advantage I would say is you experience angels and beings like Jesus often. The disadvantage I would say is some people have really scary auras that make you want to throw up when you are around them sometimes.

But, the main advantage is that you can stay alive and usually not get maimed and you can keep your families alive much better than other people.

So, I'm all for staying alive and keeping other people alive. Because I believe being alive is better than being dead.

So, people like me are the ones who kept tribes alive during earthquakes and floods, and fires and attacks for thousands and thousands of years. So, I can safely say that they human race would have gone extinct already thousands of years ago without people who were intuitives within the tribe that through daily  demonstration of their abilities people listened to to stay alive through almost anything the tribe might endure.

So, whether you call people like this medicine Men or women or priests or nuns or healers or doctors or whatever you want to call them, the human race would not have even survived to the time of Jesus without people like this. Also, I can safely say that Jesus was an intuitive, a Christ but also he would be considered to be a Buddha to if you know what the definition of a Buddha is.

So, everyone is an intuitive. It all depends what they do with it then which will tell whether they live a long time by helping themselves and others or whether they will die young.

It isn't an easy road to become a real intuitive but if you can make it to 30 usually you can figure it out by then and help a whole lot of people including yourselves and your families. By the Grace of God!

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