Monday, December 7, 2015

No religion is what it was when it was created by the originators

People often forget that what they worship is mythological in this sense. No religion is really what the authors of the religion ever intended it to be.

Why is this?

Because Governments get a hold of religions and manipulate them to their needs.

A good way to put this is figures don't lie but liars use figures.

So, what governments have always done is maybe take something a religion founder actually said and then have it mean a slightly different thing over time through translations. So, things don't mean what they originally meant by the founder of those religions.

Like I said, "Religions don't lie but liars mold them to what they want them to mean." And this gets worse with each new generation.

Here's a good example.

It isn't regarding religion it is only regarding actual history.

I lived through the 1960s and 1970s in person mostly in California.

When people talk about the 1960s and 1970s mostly they have no idea what it was really like then at all.

They often want to categorize people into pro war or anti-war. People who were either of these were always in the minority. Most people were kind of confused about the whole thing and didn't want our boys to die in a war that made no sense really to anyone ever.

So, people might believe that "America: Love it or leave it" was how people thought. These people were only a minority too.

Like I said most people were just sick at heart watching our boys die every night on ABC, NBC and CBS news as we watched out boys die every night on the news. We were all pretty sick to death of this. 58,000 boys died over there by the way who shouldn't have died at all.

Now, let's consider religions. Words change meanings very fast.

For example, my youngest daughter is 19. She thinks we are hypocrites when we call people that are not physically beautiful "Beautiful" because she didn't know beautiful in the 1960s and 1970s meant that someone was beautiful inside and that was what was important to people more than physical beauty. So, our daughter thought we were being hypocritical whereas we were only being true to what the word "Beautiful" meant to our generation of the 1960s and 1970s.

How screwed up are religions when words don't even mean the same thing 25 to 40 or 50 years later?

If people cannot even agree on the meaning of the word "Beautiful" from 1965 to 2015 then how screwed up are all religions regarding the real meanings of words?

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