Monday, January 11, 2016

Believe in Yourself (or something)

People say, "Believe in God" and that can be useful if you do. However, if God doesn't make any sense to you then maybe believing in yourself is what you need to do.

In order to survive all the many things you are going to face in your life sooner or later, you need to believe in something. Because when the difficult things happen (and they will eventually) you need something to believe in. So, if you don't believe in God, compassion, Kindness, Family, Yourself, Mother Earth, Something, then you likely won't be around very long after the real stuff comes down in your life.

You might be find now. However, I'm 67 years old. What have I had to face?
1. Myself
2. deaths of my father, my mother, all my grandparents, all my aunts, all my uncles, half my cousins, and 2 of my best friends from childhood.
By the way we are likely way over 30 people in my life so far that are gone that were the basis of my entire life.

Who is left in my life?
1 Cousin that I'm still close to and his wife and kids
my present wife and all my biological kids are close with me
1 best friend I started climbing mountains with when I was 21 even though I met him in church when I was about 12 or 14.
Many acquaintances I have known throughout my life. Some I consider to be my friends.

So, are you ready to lose 1 by 1 all (or almost all) the people you love and grew up with?

If not, you better believe in something if you expect to live to be old. Otherwise you won't.

This is reality.

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