Sunday, June 19, 2016

Killing their kids if they disobey?

Years ago now I was at a party and was talking with a lady who once had been married to a Muslim from another country. He wasn't a practicing Muslim. He would be considered a secular Muslim. However, the lady said that when her child psychologist asked him a single question. This was his answer: "I will kill my kids if they disobey me!"

And with that statement he lost custody of his kids. This happened in the 1980s here in the U.S. and his children were taken from his custody then and given to the mother and she had no more problems with him after that because the courts protected her from him.

This is a true story and this was a secular Muslim who didn't even practice his religion. How much worse is this for other Muslim men coming from the middle East where this would be the expected response to the question: "What would you do if your children disobeyed you?"

If you were wondering why some young Muslims men and women become suicide terrorists and you understand basic psychology you understand everything.

What if your father told you point blank when you were a child: "If you ever disobey me I'm going to kill you." If your father is a Muslim and he is from the middle east this is a very common occurrence.

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