Saturday, July 16, 2016

A Tennis Ball is a Tennis ball is a tennis ball?

I got out of my truck ready to get the orange Chuckit and orange tennis balls as the dogs got out of the back seat area of my Tundra.  However, I realized my back-up new orange tennis ball I had accidentally left on the counter at the house and now I'm more than a mile away from home. I thought nothing more of it except to think, "I wish I had two tennis balls in case my dog loses one." So, I walked several blocks and what did I find?

A green tennis ball.

So, as I thought about this it reminded me of my whole life when I needed something that something often would show up.

I needed a good knife around 1976 but could not afford a good buck knife but found one (they were 50 to 100 dollars then open on the road past McCloud Hiway 89 around 1976.All I had to do was to buy a leather sheath for it. It served me well for many years as a tool.

So, I picked up the ball with my Chuck it and alternately threw the new fluorescent green ball and the standard orange ball for my Yellow Labrador at about 95 pounds who is quite the athelete even though he is 8 years old. He wears me out looking at him he is so active chasing his balls.

So, I got to thinking with this mind of mine and wondered "Was the ball put their by God for me?

OF course, Yes. This makes sense because I needed another as a back up.

Or also could this tennis ball be a life form sent to observe me and just pretending to be a tennis ball?

Of course, anything is possible. After all Truth is ALWAYS Stranger than fiction.

Life has proved this over and over to me.

But, the easiest thing to recognize is God (Life) knew I needed something and gave it to me because that is just the relationship I have always had with life.

By God's Grace

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