Sunday, July 17, 2016

Turkey's state-run media: Arrest warrant issued for President Erdogan's top military aide following coup attempt:Erdogan imprisons 6000 Turkish leaders

  •  To actually understand for an American what is happening in Turkey, imagine Trump were president and just arrested the Supreme Court, all judges in the nation, most of the Generals in the Army and many officers and soldiers because they were democrats and not Republicans. This is pretty much what is happening to Turkey right now. 

    In other words, Erdogan created this coup and now is crowning himself King and Emporer, disbanding the courts and Parliament (putting all Democratic leaders in Jail). All that is left now is an Islamic State Caliphate from a once great and proud democracy.

    The Western world cannot any longer trust Turkey really regarding anything. This is an epic disaster for the Western Secular Christian World because Erdogan now has the largest Army of any nation in Nato except the United States on top of everything else.

    Will the army assassinate Erdogan? There's likely still a 50-50 chance of this in the coming years. The biggest problem for now though is the millions of Turkish people fleeing to Europe and around the world who are similar to Democrats who are secular and don't want to be killed for not being practicing Muslims.

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